Doy-pack in high quality at the best value
Vertical packaging machine specific for the production of Doy-pack bags, bags with 3 or 4 side sealings and pillow bags.

Energy saving
thanks to 2 brushless servomotors
No tools
format and reel changes
zippers, easy opening and labels


- The use of two brushless servomotors electrical axis provide energy saving, high efficiency and allow to reduce format changeover and maintenance time.
- Speed of up to 70 packages per minute for single bags.
- Can be equipped with devices for applying reclosable zippers, easy opening and labels.
- Format and reel changes with no tools required.
- Multilane configuration for speed up to 200 packages per minute.

Ecopackaging: the future
of packaging
With a careful eye and a concrete commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, Comek machines offer the possibility of using films like: monomaterial recyclable plastic, paper, compostable and biodegradable.
The energy efficiency of the machine is guaranteed by the construction according to the EU regulation 2019/1781, through motors connected to inverters, in accordance with IEC 60034-30 standard on the efficiency classes of AC motors with mains power supply.
The energy efficiency of the machine is guaranteed by the construction according to the EU regulation 2019/1781, through motors connected to inverters, in accordance with IEC 60034-30 standard on the efficiency classes of AC motors with mains power supply.

Paper film
energy saving

Compostable materials
minimal environmental impact

100% recyclable
waste reduction

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